Can't believe that is is only April. What a year it has been!! I remember thinking on New Years Eve "2010 is going to be a good year." Well spiritually it has been the best year, I have learned so much and am so grateful for what I have, I am so blessed! There has been a lot of trial's that we have been through this year already but so many blessing have come from each one. I know that I have come closer to my Heavenly Father and I would not trade that for anything.
Well Monday afternoon I started having some cramping and thought oh well I guess its that time of the month. As the afternoon progressed the pain started getting stronger and higher in my stomach. I told Britney to call my sister in law Missy (who is a nurse) to help me figure out what the pain was. Devin got home from work around 5:30 and I had him give me a blessing. Britney and Devin convinced me to go to the doctors. I did not want to go. I was in a lot of pain but was so worried that it was something like gas pain or menstrual cramps. I did not want to have to spend money at the doctors for something stupid like that.
We went to the doctors and they took some blood which showed that my white blood cell count was elevated which is not a good sign. Because it was after hours they told me there was nothing they could do there but that I should go to the ER because I needed a CAT SCAN done. So now that we were trying to avoid a ER copay we have to pay the doctors office and the ER. Thank goodness for tax returns.
We went to the ER they had to put a IV in which took 3 people to do. I was in so much pain I didn't even care. They then started to do the CAT SCAN, the lady came back in and said that they could not see what they needed to so they would have to flush me with fluid. She told me they would do this through my IV and that they also had to give me a ENEMA!!! What the.. Can I just tell you that was the worst part of the whole thing. First they put this thing in your butt and tell you not to let if fall out. Then they start flushing you with fluid. It felt like me stomach and butt was on FIRE! Finally that was over and the doctor came in and said that me appendix was inflamed and that I was going in for surgery. I was so nervous, I have never had surgery, I have never been in the hospital. Last time I had one of the name bands on was when I was born. I wanted Devin to give me and blessing and wanted my dad to come down to help, but they were ready for the surgery. Good thing we live in Utah because the surgery tec overheard us and offered to help. I went in for surgery at midnight and everything went well. I only had to stay in the hospital till 12:00 noon the next day then I was release. You don't realize how much you use certain muscles until it hurts when you do. Example sitting up, laughing, coughing, sneezing, farting, pooping.
I am no suppose to lift much and not exercise for a while either. All I have been doing is laying in bed and people keep bringing me treats and ice cream. I am going to come out of this gaining 10lbs which sucks. You always think when your sick you should loss weight, not true.
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago