Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We Went to Vegas in June with Devins whole side of the family (Adults ONLY). It was really a lot of fun! I don't know why but Devin and I really enjoy Vegas. I LOVE the heat, but really we just enjoy shopping, walking up and down the strip and sitting in front of the Bellagio water show. I think I could sit there all night. Really on our honeymoon we stayed there one night and every 15min we were over by the window watching the show.
We were able to go as a family to the temple which was really fun. I don't think we have all done a session together since I got my endowments out. It was all of our first time in that temple so that was really cool. We went and ate in the cafeteria after which was a new experience for me and definitely cheaper then somewhere on the strip.

In the Bellagio they have this chocolate fountain that is in front of this little dessert shop. Anyways we had to get a picture with all the CHOCOLATE LOVERS. Yes Steve is the only male chocolate lover in our group, before us girls got into the family he got the shaft on desserts. Not anymore!!

Really I just love everything about the Bellagio!! The gardens are so pretty and it smells so yummy!

For those of you who have never gone, yes this bee is made out of real flowers!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Las Vegas too! This post made me a little homesick. Sounds like you did lots of fun things. Thanks for sharing!
