Sunday, January 16, 2011

Highway to Hale

Halloween morning we did "Highway to Hale" race that was sponsored by the Hale Center Theater in Orem. It was so so much fun!! I know that is weird for me to say running was fun but for some reason it felt so good this time and I did not even train. It was my second 5k and Britney's first. I felt so good while I was running, I was able to talk pretty much the whole run which is very abnormal for me. Usually I am so concentrated on my breathing that I can't say a word. It was so much fun to get to run next to Britney the whole time. Devin, his brother Michael, and his wife Jocelyn did the 10K. Jo made her Jessie costume and also make Devin's. She did such an amazing job. I really need to learn how to sew, Its on my TO DO LIST.

Since they did have such a awesome costume they won BEST costume! There prize is season tickets to the Hale Center Theater. I am taking a Theater class online and I have to see 3 plays during the semester so this price will be very useful and a good free date night for sure.

Mine and Britney's costume was kind of put together the night before and we wanted it to be really cheap so this is what we came up with. We did have eye masks on but running+sweat+eye masks= sticky. We did wear them the whole race but after it was over we were done with them.

They wore the slink part of the costume the whole time!!

I am so proud we ran the whole time, never walked and we did go up a pretty good size hill.

Dad, Mom, Dylan, Beth, and Steve all came to cheer us on
Here we come and yes I did try to beat the girl in the yellow and succeeded

1 comment:

  1. you crazy girl, running marathons..... you are only a few months behind now!
